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We are a small business publisher, business plan software developer, and consulting firm specializing in step-by-step "how-to" information for aspiring and current business owners. There are three basic components of all business ventures – the organizational, marketing, and financial plans.  It is our goal to guide our clients in the understanding and interrelationship of these three components, thus enabling them to develop good business practices, as well as create credible and defensible business plans. Your business plan will serve as guide throughout the life of your business, provide you with documentation for lenders and investors, and serve as the conduit for doing business internationally.


How Can We Help You Learn About Doing Business?


Self-Study Educational Publications: 
Business Books and Business Planning Software


  • Time is of an essence for all small business owners. To save you time and allow you to educate yourself at your own pace, we have developed business textbooks and business planning software in a step-by-step learning format. They are easy to follow and will guide you through the development of your marketing plan, understanding and setting up your accounting and tax reporting, and the writing of your business plan. If you are a new business, we have a start-up book for you that will help you set up your business, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, help you set up your records, and give you the basics of marketing your business. For your convenience all of our books are available in print and eBook formats.


Interactive Learning: 
Workshops and Seminars


  • We develop and/or teach workshops and seminars for universities & colleges, for civic organizations, for corporations, for industry associations, and for business oriented trade shows and conferences. Workshops are by arrangement only and are tailored to the needs of audience.


Business Plan Consulting Services: 
Working Directly with You to Solve Your Problems 

  • We specialize in business plan consulting and we work with individuals, small companies, and major corporations. We can provide consulting, write your plan, review your plan, or work with you by the hour on problem areas. Our view on business planning is that it is a very serious process and we want to help you in whatever way will work best for you. The future success of your venture will depend on how carefully you plan. Call 714-544-0248 (CA) or 469-223-4474 (TX) to discuss your needs and get answers to your questions.


If you would like to read our Company Profile, Click Here.


Seminars & Workshops

Our specialty is business planning. We develop and present professional business workshops for universities and colleges, civic organizations, corporations, trade associations, and business oriented conferences. We believe that you are the expert in your industry. Our job is to educate you in the "business of doing business."

In addition to authoring the award winning publications above, Linda Pinson, owner of Out of Your Mind...and Into the MarketplaceTM  and Ndaba Mdhlongwa have developed six workshops to educate small business owners. Each one stands alone to provide comprehensive information and development of skills in a particular area. As a workshop series, they will serve as a comprehensive overview of business development, including start-up, accounting, marketing, pricing, and business planning. We can also provide presentations on home-based business and women's business issues. 

Our presentations are very interactive.  We do not believe in talking "at you."  We think business is a serious subject, but we also think that education should also be a fun experience. We encourage active participation of attendees and we believe that the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. We also provide extensive handouts to keep you from getting writer's cramp trying to write everything down. 

We do not have a set schedule for our programs. We go where we are needed when we are needed. Seminars and workshops are arranged with you at your convenience and tailored to your needs. If you would like us to present one of our regular seminars for your organization or if you would like us to develop a program to specifically meet your needs, please write us, email us, or contact us by telephone.

The following is an overview of six seminars that we have developed to help new and existing small business owners operate more effectively:  

1.  Be Your Own Boss: Steps to Small Business Start-Up
  • Finding a Business
  • Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents
  • Legal Structures
  • Business Licenses, DBAs, and Resale Tax Nos.
  • Home-Based Business
  • Choosing a Banking Institution
  • Financing & Recordkeeping
  • Marketing, Advertising, Publicity



2.  Keeping the Books: The Secret to Growth & Profit
  • Functions & Types of Recordkeeping
  • General Records  and Deductible Expenses for Small Business
  • Developing Financial Statements
  • Federal Taxes for Which You May be Liable
  • Free Publications Available from IRS
  • General Recordkeeping Schedule
  • Analyzing Financial Statements



3.  Marketing: Developing and Implementing a Winning Marketing Strategy

·         Market Analysis

·         Developing a Marketing Strategy

                                                           °      Sales and Distribution

                                                           °      Packaging, Pricing, and Branding

                                                           °      Database Marketing

                                                           °      Sales Strategies and Sales Incentives

                                                           °      Advertising, Public Relations, and Networking

·         Customer Service

·         Implementation of Marketing Strategy

·         Assessing Marketing Effectiveness



4.     Is Your Business Viable?: Pricing/Costing Your Product or Service 

·         Definition of Business Viability

·         How a Product or Service is Priced

·         Researching the Market to Determine "Price Ceiling"

·         Looking Realistically at Costs - "Price Floor"

·         Understanding the Importance of Cash Flow

·         Determining Viability through use of Formulas

·         Adjusting of Components to Create Viability



5.  Propelling Your Company Into the Future: Write a Winning Business Plan

                                    ·           Why do you need a Business Plan?

                                    ·           What Lenders and Investors Look For

                                    ·           Developing an Exit Strategy

                                    ·           Executive Summary

                                    ·           Part I - Organizational Plan

                                    ·           Part II - Marketing Plan

                                    ·           Part III - Financial Documents

                                    ·           Supporting Documents

                                    ·           Keeping Your Plan Up-to-Date

                                    ·           Presenting Your Plan



6.  Business Planning Through Technology:
    Using Automate Your Business Plan Software to Save 100+ Hours

                                    ·           Marketing and Financial Research via Internet hot links

                                    ·           Learning to use the software

                                    ·           Developing of your marketing plan

                                    ·           Developing your financial plan with pre-formatted, pre-formulated, and linked (integrated) financial statements

                                    ·           Planning your financing with Amortizing software

                                    ·           Preparing to present your plan to a lender or investor

                                    ·           Includes one-on-one guidance by business planning experts

                                    ·           Pre-requisite: Basic computer literacy



Textbooks & Software

We know that your time is your most valuable commodity. Our books and our business planning software are different from others on the market today in that the information is step-by-step, concise, and easy to understand.  We write in a textbook teaching format so that you do not have to wade through volumes of extraneous material to get to the needed information.  All of our books are complete with index and comprehensive resource sections.  The books are currently in libraries throughout the United States and are being used as required and recommended course materials by colleges, secondary schools, and economic development agencies and in corporate retraining programs. They have been translated into foreign languages (Spanish, Italian, Chinese, etc.). Our latest release is a Spanish business start-up book for Spanish speaking entrepreneurs. It is entitled, 18 Pasos para desarrollar tu negocio.



  • Steps to Small Business Start-Up (also available as an eBook)
  • Keeping the Books (also available as an eBook)
  • Anatomy of a Business Plan (also available as an eBook)
  • Automate Your Business Plan (Stand-Alone Software)
  • 18 pasos para desarrollar tu negocio (also available as an eBook)
  • Anatomía de un Plan del Negocio (also available as an eBook)


Business Plan Software

Our company's primary focus is on business planning. Based on our best-selling book, Anatomy of a Business Plan, Automate Your Business Plan  for Windows® 7 through Windows® 10, is a stand-alone business planning software, complete with full powered word processor and spreadsheet program, for IBM PC or compatibles.  It requires no specialized computer background and will enable you to quickly and effectively produce a professional quality business plan. Features include: master plan building, file portability with Word and Excel, formatted and formulated integrated (linked) financial spreadsheets that are completely customized for your business, an interactive research web page with "hot links" to sites where you can get marketing and financial information, a loan amortizing program for projecting principal and interest payments, capability to print your plan to a PDF file, the development of a PowerPoint presentation, and portability of your plan project between main and laptop computers. To complement our Spanish language edition of Anatomy of a Business Plan (Anatomía de un Plan de Negocio), we have also developed a full set of customizable financial spreadsheets that have been translated into Spanish. For Mac users, our software application will now run on their computers using Mac's Boot Camp application with Windows installed. 




Business Plan Consulting Services 
We specialize in business plan consulting and have worked with individuals, small companies, and major corporations. Our view on business planning is that it is a very serious process. The future success of your venture will depend on how carefully you plan. We do not promise any quick fixes. Taking the short cut in business planning now will keep you from reaching your goals later on. 

We can provide you with complete business planning services. If you choose not to write your own plan, we can write it for you. However, we prefer to work with you in the development of your plan. You are the industry expert. We are the business planning experts. Together, we can create a plan for you that will serve as a guide for the life as your business and one that will also put you in the driver's seat when it comes time to go to a lender or investor. 

Our specialty is in strong financial planning and financial statement analysis. It has been our experience that the development of a financial plan is the most difficult part of the planning process for most small business owners. Preparing your financial documents is actually a very logical process...and we can safely walk you through that process and help you create a credible and defensible plan for your company. When we have finished working together, you will not only have a great plan......you will have completed an educational experience that will serve you well as your business continues to move forward. 

How do we charge??? You will be billed an hourly fee. The more work you do, the less we will have to do. Most of our customers require from 6-10 hours of our services. The idea is that we will be there for you when you need us. Note: We cannot give you an estimate until we have personally discussed your needs and the scope of your business. Call us for more information at 714-544-0248.  

We can work with you either locally or through electronic communication. We will hold your hand through the entire business planning process. We will provide you with materials and resources, get you started, examine your plan at intervals, tell you what you need to do next, and continue the process until you have completed a plan that will work for your company.   


Automate Your Business Plan

Anatomy of a Business Plan

Anatomy of a Business Plan eBook

Steps to Small Business Start-Up

Keeping the Books





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13381 White Sand Dr., Tustin, CA 92780-4565 USA
Tel: 714-544-0248 (CA)  or 469-223-4474 (TX)    Fax: 714-730-1414


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Linda Pinson & Ndaba Mdhlongwa

Current Web Site Design and Maintenance
Timothy Johnson

Initial Site Developer
John Neal

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